News & Bugs - SF Pressure Drop

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News & Bugs in SF Pressure Drop 7.x

SF Pressure Drop was produced carefully. But no computer software is without bugs. Please inform us if you find bugs.


In these updates we will consider suggestions from the users and/or correct bugs quickly. Here you will find the revised program file (exe-file) and other files possibly.
Before you use this file please install the version 7.0 normally and replace the old program file "Drop.exe" with the new file afterwords. If there are updates from other files, please replace these files also.

File / SizeVersion / DateNews & Bugs
All bugs have been fixed in SF Pressure Drop 7.3.
  • Check valve, Y-pattern globe lift
    Wrong calculation in the range 300 - <400 mm
  • Non existing information in window "Orifice design"
    The design calculation of the orifice is valid for liquids only. Therefore in this window are no input fields for temperature and pressure. If you calculate gases in this window you will get estimated values only.
5,3 MB

  • Advanced functions in the chart (line format, - color etc.)
  • Opening of some project files by mouse double click: error message "file damaged..."
  • Menu Calculate/Normal-m3 to Working-m3: If you input the volume flow as Nm3/min or Nm3/s you will get wrong results.
  • Error if you save project files
    If your project has more than one table and you move tables by drag and drop, it's not possible to save the project file in this order.
    You can save the project after removing of the table(s) to the original order.

Important note: To use this revised file you need an installed version of SF Pressure Drop 7.2. It's not possible to use it with older versions!
4,7 MB

  • Properties of CO2 in the range 216 K to 1100 K and 0 to 8000 bar
  • Advanced function within the print preview and page layout (save/open page layout and further use in other projects)
  • Correction of some small bugs

Important note:
The download file contains the complete software with installation program. Please install the software normally with the included setup file. A previous installation of SF Pressure Drop 7.0 is not necessary.
To switch to the registered version you need a new password. Passwords from earlier versions are not working. Registered users or SF Pressure Drop 7.x can order the password by e-mail ( without cost.
5,4 MB
  • Wrong conversion of Nm3/min and Nm3/s if you have select Norm volume flow.
  • Inserted pictures within the diagram were not saved.
  • Upgrade table print function
    You can now export and save the calculation table as pdf-file also.
  • Rightless error message in function "Table column/change data of column" if you input the volume flow as norm volume flow.
  • Calculation of gases - Partly no or wrong update of the gas properties if you have select "Refres inlet pressure and gas properties/Refresh with data from database (real gas)" in menu "Settings".
No upgrade necessary
In rare cases absurd calculation results:

In rare Windows 7 installations the software is not able to identify the decimal separator.

What to do: Reset of the Windows country settings
System control -> Region und language -> Date, time and number format -> Other settings...-> all tabs (Digits, currency, time, date) use the button "reset". You will get no changes, only the settings in Windows will be reset.
  • New: User database for circular pipes
    This database you can use for data (diameter, wall thickness, roughness) of your "own" pipes. If you want calculate such a pipe you can select it from the database and calculate the pressure drop.
  • New compilation for optimal function with Windows 7
    New functions:
    Calculation of resistance coefficients of special parts:
    * Y-Pipe (branch flowing together)
    * T-Pipe (branch flowing together)
    * T-Pipe with partition wall (branch flowing together)
    * T-Pipe with band (branch flowing together)
    * Multiple branches flowing together symmetrical
  • Calculation of pipes in turbulent range:
    In addition to Brandtl-Colebrook and Blasius/Nikuradse/Karman/Moody you can use the formula from Churchill also.
  • Small improvements / correction of small bugs
File errors
  • File error after saving and copying of tables if grouped rows (as example "3. Element of pipe") are not expanded completely.
  • File error after moving tab-sheets by drag and drop (as example table "pipe 5" was moved between "table 1" and "table 2").

Caused by these bugs files will not saved correctly after the use of these functions. If you open the damaged files you will get an error message.

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