New in Version 7.x - SF Pressure Drop

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New in Version 7.20

  • Properties of CO2 in the range 216 K to 1100 K and 0 to 8000 bar
  • Advanced function within the print preview and page layout (save/open page layout and further use in other projects)

    New in Version 7.11/7.12

      • New user database for circular pipes
      • Calculation of resistance coefficients of special parts:
        - Y-Pipe (branch flowing together)
        - T-Pipe (branch flowing together)
        - T-Pipe with partition wall (branch flowing together)
        - T-Pipe with band (branch flowing together)
        - Multiple branches flowing together symmetrical
      • Calculation of pipes in turbulent range:
      • In addition to Brandtl-Colebrook and Blasius/Nikuradse/Karman/Moody you can use the formula from Churchill also.

      New in Version 7.0

      Calculation table

      • New flexible maneageable calculation table
      • You can choose any unit you like for input and output
      • Showing of data gases within the table
      • Sort function (arbitrary sorting, alphabetical sorting, sorting by pressure drop)
      • You can save the calculation table as Excel file

      Printing of the table

      • Effective print preview with many functions for formatting
      • Page setup with many functions (page type and orientation, page margins, header, footer, scaling)
      • Header and footer customizable with own text, logos, drawings

      Chart Pressure drop = f (rate of flow)

      • New flexible maneageable chart
      • You can choose any unit you like
      • Adaptable volume flow range
      • Showing of multiple curves within the chart
      • By mouse click you can get parts of the chart
      • Editable chart (title, legend, labeling of the axis)
      • Export of charts in many formats (jpeg, gif, pdf...)
      • Export of data in many formats (text, xml, html, xls)
      • Print function with many formatting possibilities
      • Saving of chart inclusive formatting

      Improved calculation of gases

      • After calculation of a pipe element the software updates the data of gases by access to databases as real gas or by calculation as ideal gas.

      • Input and output of data: You can choose any unit you like
      • Saving of all data with maximal precision

      Properties of liquids and gases
      • New boiling point calculation method with increased precision
      • Flexible user database for gases and liquids, easy manageable, in Excel files

      • You can select the language of the software (English or German)
      • You can select the language of the name of liquids and gases (English or German)

      Pipe elements
      • Flexible user database for pipe elements, easy manageable, in Excel files

      New in Version 6.260

      Improved calculation of air properties
      • Calculation of real gas properties of dry and humid air within a wide temperature and pressure range (gaseous and liquid state and saturation state).

      Calculation of liquid refrigerants
      • Calculation of properties of liquid refrigerants (Glycol, Glycerol, Ethanol...) at different temperatures and concentrations.

      Enlargement of the circular pipe database with several EN, ISO and DIN standards.

      • Option to check for program upgrades when starting the software and automatic installation of upgrades.

      New in version 6.25

      New element "Dynamic pressure change"

      In enlarging or contracting pipes the following pressure changes are existing:
      1. Pressure drop caused by friction, turbulences and flow separation:
      dP = resistance coefficient x density/2 x velocity²

      2. Pressure change caused by changes of kinetic energy acc. Bernoulli formula:
      dP = density * (velocity1² - velocity2²)/2.
      For enlargements the pressure change is positiv, for contractions negativ.

      The element "Dyn. pressure change" calculates the static pressure changes caused by changes of kinetic energy. Normally you input the dimension of begin and end of the whole pipe.
      Attention: The calculated data are output as pressure drop, i.e. if the output is negativ the pressure is encreasing, if the output is positiv the pressure is decreasing.
      In previous program versions (< version 6.25) these pressure changes were calculated in combination with pipe enlargements and contractions.

      New in Version 6.2

      More pipe elements
      The following pipe elements you can calculate with the new version additionally:
      • Corrugated pipes
      • Orifice round-edged
      • Long radius nozzle
      • Perforated plate thick and thin (circular and rectangular)
      • Metal grid (circular and rectangular)
      • Metal wire (circular and rectangular)
      • Two-plane screen (circular and rectangular)
      • Y-strainer
      • Screen basket filter
      • Conical strainer

      More properties of liquids and gases
      • Calculation of properties of water and steam according Industry Standard IAPWS-IF 97 (all conditions within the range 0 to 900 °C and 0 to 1000 bar are calculable)
      • Besides the properties, which are available as measured values you can estimate properties of more than 300 gases and liquids at different temperature and pressure. You can also estimate mixtures.
      • Estimation of refrigerants at different temperature and pressure
      • Estimation of aqueous solutions
      • Estimation of heat trensfer oils

      More parts in the database "Standard Parts"
      Dimensions and inner diameter according EN/ISO/DIN/ASME/ANSI) of
      • Rrectangular pipes
      • Bends
      • Contractions
      • Enlargements
      • Tees

      Preciser calculation methods
      For the following elements we use preciser formulas now:
      • Circular bends
      • Rectangular bends
      • Tees sharp edged
      • Globe valves
      • Angle valves
      • Gate valves
      • Check valves
      • Orifice acc. ISO 5167
      • Orifice thick-edged
      • Venturi tube acc. ISO 5167

      Further calculation methods
      • Calculation of all pipes and pipe elements in laminar range also
      • Channel calculation and design according Manning-Strickler
      • Discharge calculations (constant and decreasing liquid level)
      • Orifice design

      Better display and printout of results
      • Comfortable page settings and preview

      Miscellaneous improvements and extensions

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